Sunday, November 8, 2009

Magic Couch

I planned on writing a great creative post today but you know how plans go...

Alaina was super fussy and a serious grump today. My in-laws came and visited for the afternoon and I cringed the entire time because my house is SUCH a disaster. I hate when people come to visit and my house is a mess. Not enough to actually clean it, mind you, but still.

I stayed up entirely too late last night and slept right through church this morning so I don't even have a great sermon to tell you about. Pretty much, this is a post about nothing in particular because I started the 365 day challenge and I can NOT fail on day 3.

I promise that I will have better content in the very near future to share with you.

Oh, and I have a magic, magic couch. In case you wanted to know...


~*~ Allison ~*~ said...

You're too funny!!! Though I will 2nd that magic couch.
Enjoy your day.

Hailey said...

Sounds like you might have been smokin' something on that "magic" couch...
