Thursday, September 4, 2008


This morning it was such a nice surprise to see that I received two awards! An old friend and fellow blogger passed along both the "Friendship" and "Kind Blogger" awards. Sarah has been such a good friend for as many years as I can remember and I am honored that she thought of me when passing along these awards. In the spirit of the awards I will pass them along to 5 people and hope that it brightens their day as much as it did mine!

1. Ruth Z~We met less than a year ago and she has grown to be one of my dearest friends so quickly!

2. Andre~My sweet friend and accountability partner.

3. Josh Roberts~ Technically I am better friends with his wife Julie, but he is awesome! His work with Connect Rome is so exciting.

4. Abby Fernandez~ An old friend that I would love to catch up with very soon:)

5. Allison~ I met her through Stampin Up! and will always be grateful that she shared her glue with me on that first day.

Last but certainly not least, I would like to honor my best friend Hailey. She doesn't have a blog but she is the most kind-hearted, generous, beautiful, funny woman I know. She is the kind of friend who will paint with you until the wee hours of the morning even though she hates to paint. The kind who will make you laugh until tears are streaming down your face and you are dangerously close to wetting yourself. The kind who will hold your hand because she knows you need to feel like you are not alone. I could go on forever and it still wouldn't do her justice. She is simply my Goose.

I am so very blessed by all of my friends and family. Thank you all for being so wonderful!


jawd74 said...

Good Morning Stephanie,
I am waiting with my daughter for the bus and decided to check my favorite blogs. I love and appreciate you. I am not sure about the blog honors so you will need to tell me how those work etc. As you know I haven't been blogging very long. :-)
I have met Hailey out of those on your list and must admit she is a wonderful person. She is the type of person that from the first time you meet her she puts a positive M pression on your heart. Hi, Hailey! :-)
Anyway, thanks for including me. I hope you have an awesome day!

Anonymous said...

thank you thank you thank you. we really need to get your way soon so you can see our incredibly good looking child.

Joe and Abby said...

Oh my goodness!! Hey Stephanie! I just stumbled upon your blog yesterday and have read every word! I am so glad to hear that you and Scotlon are doing wonderful and Hailey and family are as well. What a joy. Send a hello to your hubby and Hailey for me! Love ya, Abby
P.S. Thanks so much for the honor of naming me. You are too sweet for words!