Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Major Strides

Alaina is doing FANTASTIC! She has made some major strides in the last few days and they're hopeful that we can take her home in as little as two weeks!!! Please continue to pray that she heals at the rate that she has been and that there are no big setbacks. We have two big hurdles to cross and then observe for a couple of days and we are home free!

1. She needs to get down to 21% on her oxygen and be able to turn the flow off completely. She is currently hovering between 30%-35% and her flow is 1 liter. She was on 3.5 liters just 3 days ago!

2. She needs to be able to eat all of her feedings orally instead of through a feeding tube. Currently they're trying to give her a bottle twice a day to see how she does. So far she seems to be getting the hang of it slowly but surely. Once she is doing better with the two they'll start increasing the number of times that they try to bottle feed.

She was moved down to the Intermediate Care Unit from the Special Needs Nursery so we're one step closer to the door:)

I am going to the hospital now so that I can get there in time to try to bottle feed. I'll take some pictures of her new room to share while I'm there. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. They are what is carrying us through day to day and I thank God for providing people to share the burden with as well as celebrate with.



Heather said...

PRAISE THE LORD! I'm so glad to hear she is making such awesome improvements! I'm looking forward to reading the post that says she's home!

Love you guys!

Ames said...

Answers to prayer!! How exciting that she could come home so much sooner than you originally thought!!

We're praying for y'all and thinking of you!!

Love you!

Sarah said...

YAY!!! So happy for y'all. Praying that the next days and weeks fly by for your family! Can't wait until she is home where she belongs.

Jaime said...

This is WONDERFUL news!! I am so excited for y'all!!!

Leah said...

So glad she is doing well. Still praying for your sweet little girl!